Monday 10 November 2014

Enhance Your Current Moisturizing Hair Care Regiment with a Moisturizing Refresher Course

You may have a moisturizing regiment that you have been working on perfecting for some time.  Maybe you have it perfected, but maybe you do not.  It doesn’t hurt to check in every once in a while to make sure your current plan has all that is takes to maintain consistent levels of moisture in your hair. 

For starters, in order to maintain optimal moisture you need to look from start to finish.   Here are some areas to check in on your hair care regiment.

Check to be sure your curl cleanser is chocked full of moisturizing ingredients and is free from parabens, sulfates and other harsh cleansing detergents.


Check to be sure your conditioner has adequate slip, and essential moisturizing ingredients to fortify your strands for lasting hydration and strength.  Look for ingredients like Certified Organic Carrot Seed Oil, Certified Organic Horse Chestnut Extract and Sage Leaf Extract.

Deep Conditioning

Here is where you should thumb through with a fine toothcomb to see if your regiment is adequate.  What is in your deep treatment?  Check to see if you are using Certified Organic Curly Hair Products.  Your deep condition is the key to longer lasting hydration.  You should utilize a deep conditioner no less than once a month and no more than once a week based on the health of your hair.  CURLS Curl Ecstasy Hair Tea Deep Conditioner is an excellent selection with its Organic Aloe Leaf juice, Sunflower Seed Oil, Green Tea and Chamomile Extract for High Quality Hair Care.

Every two months a scheduled trim should take place.  When your ends are clean and clipped you lessen the risk for breakage.   You also help your cuticle remain closed and consistent when it matters the most.  Hair that is not often trimmed will have a more porous cuticle, allowing for moisture to escape the hair shaft.


Lavish Curls Moisturizing spray is perfect for a shot of moisture to your thirsty strands when it needs it the most.  Very light and absorbing it is the perfect pre requisite to your styling methods.


When you use high quality hair care products, even your styler has moisturizing, protecting agents to protect the integrity of your hair.  Style your hair will minimal stress and ease back on the heat.  When you retire in for the night, take down your hairstyle, and style your hair into a pineapple to minimize stress on the edges of the hairline.


Your diet directly impacts the strength of hair that you are able to produce.  Each rich green leafy vegetables with lean protein often in your diet.  Fruit and grains are also important to a healthy lifestyle. 

This holistic approach to hydrating hair care will allow you to consistently have plump, supple, elastic strands.  Assess how these tips can help you in your hair care regiment.  We hope we can help you meet your goals.


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